CILT is honoured to present the Vic Willi Legacy award which will be granted to a CILT member, or an ally recommended by a CILT member, who is a young disabled person showing leadership in disability activism and disability rights. The award recipient will receive a Lifetime Membership at CILT and a cash prize of $300. Current employees of CILT cannot apply.
Eligible recipients must be:
- 16 to 29 years of age, and
- persons with physical, sensory, mental health related and/or cognitive disabilities
In selecting a recipient for the award, we are looking for applicants who:
- are making a difference, are change makers in the community, or display emerging leadership in disability activism and disability rights
- are making change that is impactful, relevant, creative and innovative in key areas affecting life with disability (e.g. transportation, accessibility, education, housing, service, integration, etc)
- are making change with respect to challenging assumptions regarding disabled people and/or the barriers or policies restricting them
The application process requires applicants to demonstrate what they have been doing or plan to do relevant to the criteria above. In the application, the applicant must state why and how they believe the award will help them to increase their personal leadership skill/knowledge in the disability community. The applicant should also indicate clearly how the award will be used.
Applications can be made through a short (2 page) essay or a short (2 minute) video explaining why the nominee should be granted the award. Alternative methods of application (and/or communication) will also be considered.
Application can be by self-nomination or by another person, in which case the nominator must seek permission of the applicant.
- Please complete the application form
- Please include a short (2 page) essay or a short (2 minute) video explaining how the applicant meets the award criteria (noted above) with the application.
- Please include one (1) letter of reference or support from a CILT member (if applicant is not a CILT member)
- Submit your completed application by mail or email to:
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto
365 Bloor St. E, Suite 902
Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4
September 30th, 2021 by 5:00 pm
For more information about the award, including a bio of Vic Willi, please check out the application form. If you would like to request an alternate version of the form, please email or call 416-599-2458.