1792 was the year we elected our first parliament. Some people say the way we vote in Ontario has stood the test of time. Other people say it’s time for a change.
The Ontario Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform would like to hear from as many Ontarians as possible: those who know a lot about electoral systems, and those who are just beginning to think or learn about the subject.
Register online or by phone to make a presentation to Assembly members or just come along to learn more about electoral reform. Send in written comments by January 31, 2007, online, by mail, or by fax.
There will be a special focus group meeting for people with disabilities on Monday January 22, from 7 pm to 9pm at The Canadian Hearing Society, 271 Spadina Road (Dupont and Spadina)
To register to make a presentation, or for a complete list of meetings and to obtain a copy of the consultation guide, “Citizens Talking to Citizens,” contact:
Citizens’ Assembly Secretariat
1075 Bay Street, Suite 830, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2B1
Phone 416-325-0758 . TTY 416-325-6640
Fax 416-325-8390
Toll free 1-866-317-3208 TTY 1-866-733-9751
or visit www.citizensassembly.gov.on.ca