- Are you ready to be self-reliant for 3 days immediately after or during an emergency?
- Have you developed and practiced a family emergency response plan and emergency survival kit?
- Want to know more about being ready for all types of emergencies?
Join us for this interactive workshop featuring, Maxine Marz, Diversity Outreach Officer, Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Date: Thursday June 12, 2008
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Place: CILT Board Room, Suite 605
205 Richmond St West (at Duncan & Richmond)
Cost: FREE ! R.S.V.P by June 5, 2008 to John Mossa at 416-599-2458 ext. 38 or Kimberly at ext. 34 or Nancy Barry at ext. 27 or by TTY at 416-599-5077. Light refreshments will be served. Attendant Services will be provided. Other accommodations may be available upon request before June 5, 2008.