Federal Election Forum on Accessibility and Disability
DATE: Tuesday Sept. 29, 2015
TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Ryerson University’s Student Learning Centre, 341
Yonge St. (at Gould St.) in Toronto. CILT and Community Partners invite you to ask questions to federal party candidates and find out their parties’ positions regarding:
- Anti-poverty strategies
- Accessible housing strategy
- Assisted dying
- Record of seeking candidates with disabilities
- Creation of a Canadian Disabilities Act
- Commitment to sign and ratify the Optional Protocol of the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities
ASL, real time captioning and attendant services will be provided.RSVP by Friday Sept. 25, 2015 to Melanie Moore at melanie.moore@cilt.ca or 416-599-2458 ext. 222 or http://accessfef.eventbrite.ca
Follow us on Twitter: @AccessRyerson @ARCHDisability #AccessFEF