Research Study: Maternal Disability and Child Health Care
What is the study about?
· We want to know about the strengths and gaps in the health care system in providing child health care to families where a mother has a disability, and your suggestions for improving the child health care experiences of mothers with disabilities and their children.
· What you share will help us improve supports for mothers with disabilities and their families.
You may be able to participate if you:
· Are a service provider (e.g., family physician, paediatrician, nurse, social worker, optometrist, health care receptionist) working in child health care or with mothers with disabilities in Ontario, or
· Are a decision-maker (e.g., administrator, government official) working in disability or child-related health care policy or administration in Ontario
How will the study work?
· You will be asked to do a 30-minute interview about your experiences working in child health care or with mothers with disabilities.
· The interview will be done by telephone or Zoom video chat with researchers at a time that works for you.
· You can do the study, or not do the study. The choice you make will not impact any of the services you use now or later.
· If you need any supports or accommodations to participate, these will be provided.
· You will receive a $20 gift card to thank you for your time.
Contact us to participate · You can email wiresearch.utsc@utoronto.ca or call 289-804-6101
This study has been reviewed and approved by the University of Toronto Research Ethics Board [#42970] and is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.