CILT By-laws 2022
The Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (C.I.L.T), Inc. (referred to in this policy as CILT) By-laws are the set of rules CILT establishes to define its purpose, principles, objectives, and how it operates.
CILT Accessibility Standard for Customer Service Policy
The purpose of the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service Policy is to set out the accessibility standard and CILT expectations for customer service in respect to provision of goods and services to persons with a disability.
CILT Accessibility Standard for Customer Services in PDF
CILT Accessibility Standard for Customer Service in Text
Financial Control and Accounting Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to set out the Board’s basic requirements of CILT’s Executive Director and to provide other guidance with respect to financial control and accounting.
Financial Control and Accounting Policy in PDF
Human Resource Policies and Procedures
The purpose of human resource policies and procedures is to document the various policies and procedures affecting employment at CILT and to ensure consistent and fair practices across the organization.
Human Rights Policy
The Human Rights policy is one of a set of policies aimed at ensuring “best practices” in our workplace. The purposes of this Human Rights Policy, described in detail below, are:
- To affirm our commitment to providing a healthy, productive and safe working environment at CILT for all staff, Board members, volunteers, members, service recipients and organizational/community partners.
- To promote awareness of human rights and responsibilities.
- To provide specific and helpful procedures for handling complaints and for resolving them in a fair and reasonable manner.
Human Rights Policy 2023 in PDF
Policy Regarding Privacy and Protection of Personal Health Information
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that CILT complies with its obligation to protect the confidentiality of personal health information that is in its custody and control.
In particular, this policy is intended to ensure that anyone who collects, uses or discloses personal health information on behalf of CILT conforms to the procedures outlined or referred to in this Policy.
Reserve Funds Investment Policy
This policy provides some background on CILT’s Reserve Funds, sets out CILT’s objectives for the investment of these funds, assigns responsibility for oversight and control of the investment process, and describes how the investments should be represented and reported in CILT’s financial statements.
Reserve Funds Investment Policy
Service Complaint and Appeals Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to set out clearly how complaints can be made about the services that CILT provides, and how CILT will deal with such complaints.
Service Complaint and Appeals Policy in PDF
Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Policy
The Centre for Independent Living in Toronto is committed to providing and environment in keeping a safe and respectful work environment for all employees.
The Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy is updated to cover both Bill 168 and Bill 132. It states the principles and practices that CILT adopts to promote health and safety in the workplace, including preventing and addressing Workplace Violence and Harassment. It defines different types of workplace violence and workplace harassment, who a Worker is and his/her rights and responsibilities when experiencing a violent and/or harassing situation. It also describes the process of filing formal and informal complaints and the resolution process.
Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Policy 2023 in PDF
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